Successful AI team: One of the leading research projects in the field of banking and AI, the "Virtual Advisor", is entering its second year of research.

bluesource - quite wow!
Once upon a time ... Only stories that take place in the past begin like this. We live in the present and work for the future. We are developers, researchers, lateral thinkers, problem solvers, co-thinkers, implementers and much more. Here you can read how we became what we are.
tomorrow - today - yesterday
We have founded, invented, launched, expanded, learned and surpassed ourselves. That's quite a lot. Today we are experts. We solve problems that others fail at. Often in record time. Get to know us, immerse yourself in our story and let's write the next one together.


It starts in Linz and continues: we are opening a new branch in the provincial capital.

"Silver": 25 years ago, bluesource CEOs Roland Sprengseis and Wolfgang Stockner met as students in Hagenberg. They have been friends since those wild days and business partners for almost as long.

ISO 27001 certification - certified data security for our customers.

We are moving across the street. Our new home: Business Campus One (BC1 for short) in Hagenberg.

15 years of bluesource - that's what we're celebrating.

The loyalty card app mobile-pocket developed into the #1 Loyalty & Rewards platform.

We patent our barcode whisperer: It connects all POS systems worldwide with any "phone with color display" via plug and play.

Drum roll! We present our product "mobile-pocket": The loyalty card app.

We are drawn to the big city: we establish our branch in Vienna.

We launch "top-contact" - a professional SMS dispatch service.

The OEG becomes a GmbH: bluesource - mobile solutions gmbh

Christian Neudorfer becomes our first employee. He still works for us. Now as COO.

"Chameleon" is launched. The "offline CRM system" allows HTML pages to be generated and transmitted to your own provider via modem.

Three graduates of Hagenberg University of Applied Sciences found bluesource OEG.