Research, Technology, Innovation
For companies that want to remain fit for the future, innovation must be an integral part. Whether new business models, technologies, products or features – we are committed to research as it is central for idea development.
bluesource drives innovations
With our research, we support the development of forward-looking innovations. Since we like to draw on the full spectrum, we involve customers, partner companies as well as research organisations and combine a wide range of technologies.
Artificial Intelligence
Data mining & visualisation
Demonstration & pilot projects
System architecture
User Requirements Analysis
Immersive Technologies
Our sector focus
Banks & Insurances
We develop mobile solutions for banks and insurance companies.
Commerce & Advertising
We have solutions for digitalization in commerce and advertising.
Industry & Business
Industry and business rely on our mobile solutions.
The right network
We maintain close ties to the technical college and university world, which gives us direct access to the latest scientific developments. Together with our technology and project partners, we are always creating something new.
Drivers of success
The digital age is crying out for innovation. Let's move forward together!