Around 2,000 employees of the PremiQaMed Group - a leading Austrian operator of private healthcare companies, including five private clinics, a rehabilitation centre, an outpatient clinic and a health centre - have access to the "PRIMA" employee app. In view of the diversity of professional groups and the need for a smooth exchange of information, a solution was sought that could reach all employees. The white label solution from hAPPydo was the perfect basis for this.
News, duty roster, time sheet and meal ordering in one app
Patient-related professional groups in the PremiQaMed Group without regular desktop access in particular did not have sufficient access to the content that was already available on an intranet. A combined solution consisting of a desktop intranet and mobile app was therefore required. Furthermore, it was important to PremiQaMed from the outset to offer its employees additional added value in the app alongside news, information and events.
The departmental rota, personal time sheets and an interface for mobile meal ordering were therefore incorporated into the employee communication app, which was customised to the Group's corporate design. These interfaces in particular have contributed significantly to the acceptance and success of the app and provided an additional incentive to use the app. This is also reflected in the most popular features: news, mobile meal ordering, duty roster and the time sheet are highly valued and popular.
On-premise solution
The "PRIMA" employee app was developed as an on-premise solution due to the high sensitivity of data in the healthcare company. Although this setup had a few surprises in store for everyone involved in the project, all challenges were solved together as quickly as possible.
Regular coordination during the planning and implementation phase as well as during commissioning ensured that the project ran smoothly.
Own editorial team
The content is created by a core editorial team consisting of the Corporate Communication, Marketing and HR departments. In addition, there are lead editors in the individual companies who create site-specific content and publish it via the CMS for specific target groups.

The "PRIMA" editorial team of PremiQaMed Holding, consisting of (from left to right): Marketing (Regina Schneider), HR (Pia Lutovsky) and Corporate Communication (Martina Prgomet, Barbara Werwendt).